I haven’t posted anything new for three weeks. I’m here to remedy that today. I hope you’ll forgive me for the inattention.
There’s lots of big stuff going on at Casa Wallace. First of all, as I said, I’ve completed Bikini Baristas. I’ve added all the edits and proof reading errors. I’ve formatted the document, produced the HTML and uploaded it to Amazon.
Next, I’ve arranged for a couple of dozen people to get Advanced Review Copies of the book. When the book goes live on August 9th, they will post their reviews. (I sure hope they’re good.)
The third big thing is a contest. I will add everyone who posts a review to Amazon in the first week the book is available to a drawing. The two winners will get four thrillers from authors I admire and a $40 gift certificate to Amazon.com.
On the personal side, I’m preparing for two trips this summer. I’ll drive up to Seattle in August to see my daughters and visit with some old friends. Then in September, my daughter, Katie, and I are going to make a tour of some Major League Baseball parks. We’ll start with the Dodgers in L.A., then catch a Padres game here in San Diego. Then we’ll fly to Kansas City to see the Mariners play the royals. After that it’s off to St. Louis and we’ll finally end up in Chicago to catch the Cubbies and the White Sox.
I’ve been dreaming about this trip since I was 19 years old. It took Katie’s prodding to make it happen.
I hope you’re having a good summer. I’ll keep up with my blog better now that I’m done with Bikini Baristas. I’ve already started plotting the next book, tentatively called The Cartel Strikes Back. Guess what it’s about.